The SARS-CoV-2 panel by Agena Bioscience®: Improved FAST cycling protocols allows for doubling the throughput

Globally COVID-19 has infected over 28 million people and over 900,000 people have passed away. Many countries have limited the mobility of their residents and are looking for ways to increase testing options to contain the virus and open their country. To assist in this effort, Agena Bioscience® has developed a genotyping panel for the […]
The SARS-CoV-2 panel by Agena Bioscience is suitable for sample pooling: An example using the FACT strategy

Globally COVID-19 has already infected over 23 million people and over 814,000 people have passed away. Many countries have limited the mobility of their residents and are looking for ways to increase testing options to contain the virus and open their country. To assist in this effort, Agena Bioscience has developed a genotyping panel for […]
SEQ-IT vermeldet Durchbruch in der schnellen Variantendiagnostik von SARS-CoV-2

Pressemitteilung SEQ-IT vermeldet Durchbruch in der schnellen Variantendiagnostik von SARS-CoV-2 Kaiserslautern, Deutschland, 22. Februar 2021 – SEQ-IT, ein führender Anbieter von molekularen Dienstleistungen, gibt die Entwicklung eines neuartigen Massenspektrometrie-basierten Tests für den Nachweis von 20 der relevantesten SARS-CoV-2-Mutationen bekannt. Dieser schließt die derzeit aktuelle britische Variante inklusive der neuen Untervariante, sowie die südafrikanischen und brasilianischen […]